With the swift advancement and widespread adoption of information technology, traditional education models are struggling to meet the evolving demands of modern society. For instance, conventional classroom teaching fails to deliver personalized education, which is essential to cater to the unique characteristics and needs of each student. Concurrently, the "14th Five-Year Plan" and the Vision 2035 outline have explicitly set forth the strategic goal of "accelerating digital development and constructing a digital China," with smart education recognized as a vital component of this digital transformation.


Educational approaches are constantly being revolutionized, harnessing technology to foster self-directed learning habits in children, thereby nurturing a new generation of innovative talents. Shadow Technology's innovative smart touch-controlled projection all-in-one system integrates optical touch interaction technology with educational requirements, delivering a high-definition, high-lumen, and responsive touch experience. This empowers frontline educators and facilitates modern educational teaching, achieving truly immersive classroom instruction.



Currently, Shadow's smart touch-controlled projector has established strategic partnerships with numerous educational institutions and schools, including Dadi Education, Guanghai Education, Xiawan Kindergarten, and Macao Lao School Kindergarten. With interactive touch at its core, it is positioning itself in the educational equipment market, comprehensively aiding the education sector in its journey towardsinformatization and digitization, and offering a one-stop smart education transformation solution.

Empower Xiawan Kindergarten

with Information Technology


Shadow Technology collaborates with Xiawan Kindergarten to install smart touch-controlled interactive projectors, creating an intelligent classroom environment. This allows children to be captivated by the allure of optical touch, to find joy in interactive learning, to embrace this mode of education, and to unlock the infinite imaginative potential of their minds.


Shadow Technology Partners with

Wenchang Kindergarten to

Enrich Children's Learning Experience


Shadow Technology has joined forces with Wenchang Kindergarten to provide an interactive learning experience that blends human interaction with technology. This collaboration is instrumental in enhancing children's cognitive abilities, expanding their imaginative capacities, and boosting their interest and engagement in the learning process.


If you are a school administrator or educator, you might consider adopting smart touch-controlled interactive projectors to upgrade your teaching facilities and provide a higher quality of educational services to your students.

Shadow Technology remains committed to leveraging its expertise and continuously advancing in the field of optical touch interaction, striving to make a more significant impact on the development of educational hardware equipment.




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